Dec 3, 2023
Don’t be conned by the Electric Vehicle story
Hybrid or full, they have a battery
What are the limits?
What about trade values?
Charging takes time, lots of time
No charge? What to do
Fossil fuel taxes pay for roads, how will EV’s be taxed?
Crash safety is important?
Fire safety is paramount
We need the minerals that are not here
Find a power source
Electric fuel can cost as much as gas
Will the monopoly of electric sources raise the rates?
The cost difference in new electric vehicles is huge.
Maintenance happens on all vehicles
Battery versus tuning, $
Are electrics a planned obsolescence?
Who can fix them?
Resale is a guess but my bet? Poor
Poor resale makes them 40% more
Environmental facts vs exaggerations
Cost difference buys 15 years of fossil fuel